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Winkhaus – Why we are qualified to support and provide training

Over the past decade the Winkhaus UK technical team have been involved in the creation and implementation of the latest standards and guidance. All our fire doorset solutions are compliant with the latest MHCLG guidance and are triple Q Mark independent 3rd Party audited.

Winkhaus UK are the first to attain the new Q Mark 3rd party audited certification for Smoke and become the first company to attain Q Mark certification for all three critical performance requirements Fire, Smoke & Security.

Why choose Winkhaus?

The largest evidence bank of compliant fire doorset solutions


Timber Door Firetraining


Always precise

With our fabricators, we have the largest evidence bank of compliant solutions for both timber and composite fire doorsets, all independently audited by BM Trada as part of their Q-Mark scheme. Any change or addition to our specification is tested across different door constructions. This not only ensures our test evidence is always compliant, but always expanding to provide the most comprehensive range of options for all your project requirements.

Timber Door Firetraining

Fire Doorset safety

Let us share our knowledge and ensure your specifications are as comprehensive as ours. Please complete the registration form and a member of our team will be in touch to discuss your requirements and which option(s) are most appropriate for you and your team.


Winkhaus Composite Fire, Smoke, Security Doorset Solutions Brochure

